Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What Can a Fish Teach Us about Who Jesus Is?

Each of these statements deserves close examination. J. I. Packer notes that when the Creed calls God the "Maker of heaven and earth," it parts company with Hinduism and by extension, with all the Eastern religions. When it declares that Jesus is the Christ, God's only Son, and our Lord, it parts company with Islam and Judaism. This claim for Jesus makes  utterly unique.

These titles were commonly used by the early church to describe their faith. Sometimes they used the familiar symbol of the fish, which in Greek is IXTHUS. Those letters were an acrostic for four of the words found in this phrase of the Creed:

The letter I is the first letter of "Jesus" in Greek.

The letter X is the first letter of "Christ" in Greek.

The letters TH stand for the first letter of "God" in Greek.

The letter U is the first letter of "Son" in Greek.

The letter S is the first letter of "Savior" in Greek.

So the word IXTHUS (and the fish symbol) stood as shorthand for:
Jesus Christ, God's Son, our Savior.

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